
खेलकुदका सामाग्रीहरु वितरण

सिस्ने गाउँपालिका अन्तर्गत रहेको युवा विकास केन्द्रले आर्थिक वर्ष २०७८।०७९ को बजेटबाट सिस्ने गाउँपालिका भित्र रहेका प्रत्येक वडाका युवाहरुलाई खेलकुदका सामाग्रीहरु (भलिबल, नेट जाली, पम्पर गेम सेट) वितरण कार्यक्रम सम्पन्न गरियो ।

नेपाल जोड्ने अभियान

Information technology has been playing major roles in communication in today’s world to connect with each other and share information. In the present day, communication is mostly carried through the internet which is widely available in many parts of the world. However, there are still some remote places in Nepal where the internet is not …

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